| open from 19 April to 17 September | +33 5 53 63 11 55

Our campsite near Sarlat
Our values

Your holidays are important moments for you and you are probably looking forward to them.
For us too, these moments are essential because our teams and ourselves do everything we can to prepare your stay and meet your expectations, even beyond.

Whether in terms of our accommodation , our structures, our entertainment or our services , we strive each year to invest, to progress, to offer you innovative and quality services, to beautify the campsite and its environment. .

Independent managers of our campsite, we always favor direct relations with our customers. During your stay at Domaine de Fromengal , we are at your disposal and take your ideas or suggestions into account.
The quality questionnaire that you will receive after your stay allows us to measure your satisfaction and continuously improve our services.

Our values

Authenticity of an exceptional place and direct relations with our customers

Conviviality of a campsite on a human scale with 5-star services

Quality with our commitment to the Camping Qualité label

Respect for the environment and our natural spaces

Innovation with the desire for a continuous improvement process

Welcome to one of the most
beautiful campsites in the Dordogne

What guides us every season since 2010 is to offer you a quality stay
and to make you live an unforgettable experience at the Domaine de Fromengal.

Quite simply, feel good with us!

Our engagements
Quality campsite

By joining Camping Qualité, we submit to a precise charter of commitment as well as regular checks on nearly 660 criteria.
For your comfort, we are committed to respecting the 5 commitments of Camping Qualité.

A warm welcome

Hospitality, availability, thoughtfulness and efficiency are given special attention by all our teams. We thus contribute to a serene, pleasant and convivial stay.

An irreproachable property

Throughout the entire opening period of the campsite, cleanliness and hygiene are ensured everywhere on the campsite.

Accurate and true information

We provide you with complete, clear and exact information on our campsite: precise description of the equipment, periods and opening hours of the reception, the various services, the activities. The tariffs are clearly expressed and strictly applied.

A neat private pitch

We take the necessary measures to offer a private location and guarantee the greatest peace of mind on the site. The latter is furnished with taste and with a concern for aesthetics, for a good integration into the site and the environment.

The environment valued and respected

We are committed to preserving nature and the environment, to developing our campsite with respect, protection and the search for appropriate environmental solutions. Landscaping and energy savings are priorities for Camping Qualité, thus contributing to the preservation of an increasingly threatened environment.

Our approach

At the Domaine de Fromengal , you will spend holidays surrounded by nature and it is important to us to do everything to respect and protect the beauty of our site.

Discover the concrete actions that we carry out on our Estate to preserve our environment.

The vegetable garden

In 2011, we created a vegetable garden, the vegetables and fruits from this garden are used in the kitchen of our restaurant, they are grown organically and naturally.

Our plantations are watered by a drip system supplied with untreated water. Producing them on site avoids transport and also contributes to reducing our carbon footprint.

We invite you to discover the square of aromatic herbs and smell the aromas of thyme, tarragon, mint, chives…

On some rentals or around the toilet block, you can even harvest tomatoes!


We have been practicing selective sorting for many years, three containers (glass, plastic cardboard paper, household waste) are available at the entrance to the campsite. When you arrive, we will give you an information document on sorting.

Here we compost! We will provide you with a small bucket to transport your household waste to the compost bin.

We collect used batteries, plastic or cork stoppers. Our protective pads are recyclable. We favor eco-labelled products whenever possible (toilet paper, cleaning products, etc.).


Conventional bulbs are replaced by low-consumption bulbs and LEDs, we have installed presence sensors or timers in the toilet block.

We have solar powered showers at the aquatic area.

The multi-sports ground as well as the petanque grounds are lit by solar energy.

The water

Water is precious, especially since in the Dordogne, we can experience periods of drought. Use water wisely, let us know if there is a leak, don’t leave the tap open unnecessarily, don’t let children play with the water. To help you, we have fitted push-button and electronic taps, hand showers that consume less water.

We equip our accommodations with a consumption monitoring meter to detect any leaks.

The forest

We maintain and renew the forest around the Domaine. In 2012, in partnership with the ONF and the Aquitaine Region, we replanted more than 2,200 trees, favoring local species.

At the beginning of 2022, we undertook with our teams a major work of maintenance and embellishment of the woods surrounding the Estate.

The grounds

We limit the use of chemicals for weeding as much as possible and replace any product that does not respect the environment with substitute products. We use Ecolabel environmentally friendly household products. We invite you to use biodegradable detergent pods in washing machines.

Do not throw your cigarette butts on the ground, ashtrays are at your disposal.

The fauna and the flora

We practice late mowing, making it possible not to delete a link in the food chain. We act in order to respect the trees, the flowers or the animals that you will surely meet during a walk.

Charging point

We have a charging station for electric cars.

Information at reception.

Did you know ?

The Dordogne basin is classified as a World Biosphere Reserve

On July 11, 2012, the International Coordinating Council of UNESCO’s “Man and Biosphere” program integrated the Dordogne basin into the world network of Biosphere reserves.

More info on http://biosphere-bassin-dordogne.fr/
Watch the video “Valley of the Dordogne”

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